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华中科技大学Muhammad Asif博士来我校做学术报告

【 发布日期:2020-10-29 | 点击:

(通讯员孙义民)1026日上午,华中科技大学Muhanmmed Asif博士做客我校第十八届研究生创新学术论坛,在15vip太阳集团官网报告厅做了Layered Nanoarchitectures for Electrochmical (Bio)sensing Applications的学术报告,15vip太阳集团官网部分老师和研究生参加了本次讲座

层状双氢氧化物 (LDHs)是一种无机模块化的一维、二维纳米尺度材料结合体,以其开放的结构,灵活的可调性,金属离子的均匀分布和层间阴离子的易交换性,引起了诸多领域的广泛关注。基于LDH纳米材料修饰的电极已经成功应用于电化学生物传感平台,特别是即时在线检测应用。在本次报告中,Muhanmmed Asif博士重点介绍了LDH纳米结构在癌症标记物过氧化氢的超灵敏体外检测方面的实际应用。报告会中,Muhanmmed Asif博士与现场师生进行了互动交流,并热情的解答了师生提出的相关问题。报告结束后,Muhanmmed Asif博士参观了15vip太阳集团官网部分实验室。


Dr. Muhammad Asif did his PhD in Electroanalytical Chemistry from School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, HUST, Wuhan, China and received 2 Academic Excellence Awards based on most publications from HUST. He has completed his 3 years of postdoc fellow at HUST. His area of research is “Layered materials based electrochemical sensors for biomolecule detection”. He has published more than 42 high impact research articles and some book chapters with cumulative Impact Factor = 250 and Citations = 781 (h-index = 18, i10-index = 26) in prestigious international journals including Analytica Chimica Acta, Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Microchimica Acta, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Analytical Chemistry, Advances in Colloids and Interface Sciences, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry etc.